BFK | 08.05.2024 | Le Spectre de Boko Haram (2023)

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Visningsformat: DCP
Regissør: Cyrielle Raingou
Produksjonsland: Kamerun, Frankrike
Språk: Hausa
Undertekst: Engelsk
Lengde: 1 time 20 minutter


For innbyggerne i Extrême-Nord-regionen i Kamerun, har Boko Harams voldelige tilstedeværelse fått en brutal permanens. Den lokale regissøren Cyrielle Raingou observerer sine unge subjekter med stø hånd. Hun gir rom til deres ord og handlinger, og maler et sterkt bilde av hvordan de opplever og oppfatter sine omgivelser, hvor krigens ekko ringer konstant i bakgrunnen mens de leker eller er på vei til skolen. Raingou fanger et barns uskyldige blikk, som illustrerer en motstandskraft som overskrider krig.


Over the past decade, Boko Haram has carried out attacks on the villages and residents of the Far North Region of Cameroon. For those who reside there, the persistent threat of violence has become a part of daily life in the region. Cyrielle Raingou, a native of the Far North Region herself, delicately observes her young protagonists, enabling them to express their experiences and perceptions of their environment through their own words and actions.

The instruments of warfare have become ubiquitous, as the children get ready for school, distant gunshots echo through the air. The lives of these children offer an unique exploration of the dichotomies within a conflict zone: the juxtaposition of hope and despair, innocence and terrorism, and the forceful erosion of traditional culture and a dying vernacular. Through Le spectre de Boko Haram, Raingou focuses on capturing the innocence of child's play, illustrating a resilience that transcends war.

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